If you’ve been chipping away at
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s
shiny platinum trophy, then it’s possible that you’ll have run into the Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop bug. Reported last week, a pretty nasty bug made its way into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s latest update
that makes getting the platinum trophy completely impossible
unless you have a physical copy.
This is because a side quest called Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop is broken, and you can’t actually beat the high score on one of the minigames that the side quest tasks you to play. Since Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s platinum trophy requires you to finish the side quest, it’s currently unobtainable for those who own digital copies. Thankfully, it’s not going to be broken for much longer, as Square Enix has said it’s looking into the issue.
On the official Final Fantasy 7 Twitter account earlier today, Square Enix stated that it is “aware” of the issue halting progress in the side quest, and that it’s currently scheduled to be fixed in the game’s next patch. Square Enix goes on to “sincerely apologize” for the whole debacle and has thanked fans for their support while the issue is addressed.
Unfortunately, Square Enix hasn’t given us an exact date as to when Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s next patch will drop. It shouldn’t be too much longer though, as the first patch was pushed out on March 21, which was a few weeks after the game’s release. It’s most likely we’ll be waiting another couple of weeks maximum for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s platinum trophy to become obtainable again, but there is a way to earn it if you’re impatient and have a physical copy.
Thanks to the wonders of physical media, if you delete Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth from your system and then reinstall it without an internet connection, it will install the base version of the game without the update that included the platinum-breaking bug. You can then earn your sweet platinum and update the game safely in the knowledge that the bug won’t affect any of your progress. Either that, or just wait until the game’s next patch.
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